Málaga, l’Eixample, Oh My!

Happy February!

To say that things have been moving and shaking for me feels like a bit of an understatement in all honesty. I have had some life changes since we last spoke, which I guess is unsurprising considering how long it’s been.

The first of these was my move from Sabadell into the actual city of Barcelona!

I enjoyed Sabadell quite a bit. It was peaceful and safe and was very useful for practicing my Spanish as well as being spoken to in Catalan all the time which, while less than ideal, made me feel pretty special.

But I really was missing the city and was looking to spend the last few months in Spain here, in the place I fell in love with in the first place.

My new place is in l’Eixample (as Wikipedia will tell you, Catalan for “the expansion) neighborhood of the city, which is the same neighborhood I lived in when I studied abroad here in 2016. It’s my favorite part for living because it really has that more local feel with more Catalans and fewer tourists. It’s much quieter than parts closer to the old city and has a little bit more of that peace that I loved about Sabadell but I don’t have to take a 45 minute train ride home at 2:00 a.m. if I want to come have drinks with my friends.

I’m living with a family who owns a nearby restaurant and, because of that, it really feels like I have the place to myself because they’re there all day long. But they’re also incredibly sweet people; my “host mom” (if you want to call her that) complimented my Spanish when I came to tour the place back in January which is always a delight for me and they’ve offered to help me with the class that I have this semester that is taught in Spanish. Also, they have a sweet little black pooch!!

Needless to say, I’m thrilled to be here.

The timing was also perfect because I left my old place before I was able to move into this apartment and just before my parents arrived for their visit in January! I spent two quick nights at a hostel — and my stuff spent a few days at the most amazing Puck’s place, thanks girl!! — before they arrived and I could spend the week with them at their Airbnb.

We had such a wonderful time together. I love getting to play tourist and, boy, did we hit most of the highlights. We took the city bus tour — which I had never done before! — saw La Sagrada Familia, the MNAC (Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya), the Joan Miró Foundation, part of a game at Camp Nou, Casa Batlló, and La Pedrera, just to name a few. Dad also got to take a little dip in the Mediterranean, even though it was so cold he was the only one out there. And I got to show them so much of the food that I love here like pinchos, crema catalana (which they astutely pointed out was basically just crème brûlée), pan con tomate, jamón ibérico, escalivada, and cava, cava, and more cava!

I also got to introduce them to my pals.

I’m just very thrilled that they finally got to see the city that means so much to me.

After they left and I moved into my new place, my friends Puck and Romina and I took advantage of our one week of freedom before the resumption of school by going to Málaga.

Though we somehow managed to be there the one week out of the year that is cloudy and chilly in la Costa del Sol, we still managed to make the most of it and had an absolute blast together. We walked all over the city, saw a flamenco show (my and Puck’s first!), and got to tour the Alcazaba — the palatial fortress in the city from the 11th century. We also checked out the city museum like the good Master’s students interested in history and politics that we are. And, just like everywhere else in Spain, we ate good.

Now, the second semester begins and I set my sights for real on working on my thesis. I’m planning on doing a little school update in the next week and I’ll go a little more in depth there.

Hasta pronto!

Notes from December 2019


Welcome to the new decade folks! I can’t believe we’re here and I have officially lived through three decades, two centuries, and two millennia, huh? And I’m not even 25!

Anyway, I know it’s been a minute. But December was honestly a pretty wild ride, start to finish so this blog post may be a bit of a doozy.

I started the month with a lovely little Christmas trip to Vienna and Prague with Skyler and his family. I had never been to Central Europe before and it was really incredible! I — of course, with my luck — was super sick with a pretty nasty cold that I caught just before leaving for the trip. I also had my Uber stolen at the airport and had to submit a claim to get my money back! Bad luck was kind of a theme for a lot of this last month.

But some highlights from the trip include going to the Belvedere Museum in Vienna and getting to see Klimt’s The Kiss in person; finding a tiny hole-in-the-wall restaurant with Skyler that had these weird calzone-esque foods and yummy beer at a grad student budget price; getting to try mulled wine at two different Christmas markets in the two cities (which was kind of horrifying and mainly just reminded me of hot church wine); going to a museum dedicated to one of my absolute favorite artists of all time, Alphonse Mucha and buying the fattest stack of postcards to share with the world; taking an amazing train ride from Vienna to Prague and trying the original Pilsner beer: Pilsner Urquell; and trying a roast duck and cabbage dish in Prague that seriously made me reconsider my choice to go to university in Barcelona.

Much love and so many thanks to Skyler’s parents for giving me such a wonderful travel experience, one to rival the trip to Puerto Escondido in Oaxaca that we took in 2017-2018. I am so incredibly lucky to have such an amazing family!! Also, a big thank you to my beautiful Czech friend in my grad program, Jan, for teaching me a few words in Czech to show off to the locals and recommending some amazing sights and foods!

It was really so great to take a little break from school right before my final week of classes and get to hang out with my favorite Knapp’s/O’Brien’s!

Speaking of finals, I feel as though I ended the semester strong, with a final exam in my research class that I believe went fairly well and a few final papers that I also feel good about (though I still do have one final, persuasive essay due for my public policy class that isn’t due until the 20th of January). I also had a meeting with my thesis advisor — finally — who gave me a lot to think (and read!) about before I begin working on my own thesis. I’ve started to question my initial plans. We’ll see what the future of my research holds, huh?

A lowlight from the month was getting my iPhone stolen near Las Ramblas in Barcelona which was an inevitability honestly but upsetting nonetheless. Luckily, I had insurance on the dang thing!

On the 23rd, I and my roommate flew to Almería for my two week- and her month-long vacation in Andalucía. So far, it has mainly consisted of a lot of relaxing, with a few exciting interruptions.

On Christmas, we had a lovely English Christmas dinner with Ana’s English neighbors, which was exciting though not exactly Spanish — but the cava we all drank definitely was! We also took a 10 km hike through an area called Andarax a few days ago, which had fresher air than I think I’ve breathed in my entire life?? It was really heavenly.

New Year’s was plenty fun, featuring the twelve grape tradition they have in Spain (involving eating twelve grapes in the final twelve seconds of the year in order to bring you good luck for every month of the new year), cherry and strawberry Romanian sparkling wine, and a trip to a club called Maraú.

Needless to say, it’s been a very exciting end to the year. I’m glad that I got into some shenanigans after a long semester of working very hard.

I am very much looking forward to what the new year — and new decade! — has in store for me and us all. Cheers!

Midterm Frustrations and Travel Preparation

I just finished what I picture as being the hump of the semester.

This last week, we had two essays due, one on Tuesday — the same day as a midterm exam we had — and one on Wednesday. They weren’t particularly long, but the one on Wednesday was the first real substantive work it feels like we’ve done to prepare for our thesis and required a lot of reading through the state of the art before we were able to write it.

All this reading (16 citations in my case) was alongside preparing for the exam, writing the other assignment, and keeping up with the daily assigned readings which have pretty much kept pace with the ~100+ pages assigned for each class.

This isn’t really where the frustration mentioned in the title comes from. I knew that grad school would be an intellectual challenge, obviously, but my god am I ever frustrated with the fact that there are only 24 hours in a day! I really cannot find a balance of school, relaxation, and play!

If you follow my art instagram, you know my posts have been few and far between and even my posts here have been infrequent! It’s been really challenging for me to try to find time for these artistic outlets because after reading a 60 page chapter of a political science textbook or a 40 page article, it is nearly impossible to resist the temptation to just lie in bed, veg out, and play Mario Kart on my iPhone (thank god I left the Switch at home otherwise… whew, I don’t even want to think about it!)

But, the more time I spend in school the better grasp I feel like I have of finding some way to achieve the things that I value and that interest me alongside doing what I need to do to prepare for class.

In traveling news, I’m going to Prague and Vienna in December! Skyler and his family are coming to Europe to go to Budapest, Prague, and Vienna for a family vacation. Unfortunately, I’ll be in class for the Budapest part (which sucks because Budapest is really high on my list of places I want to visit while I’m here) so I’ll just be joining the journey partway through. I’ve never been to either city before though so I am freaking pumped!! Honestly, I’ve spent basically no time in Central Europe ever. I’ve been to Berlin, if that even counts. Because of that, I can’t wait to expand and finally get to go! And I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

Also, I’ll be spending Christmas in Andalusia with my roommate and her family and I am equally excited because southern Spain is another place I’ve never been! I’m a bit bummed that it definitely will not feel like Christmas but, hey, it doesn’t snow in Barcelona so it’s not like it would feel much like Christmas here either!

Speaking of Christmas, I think the spirit is seeping into my bones because something overtook me today and I had to draw this cute, chubby cherub.

(You can check out my art instagram here).

Happy almost Thanksgiving to all my Americans!

The First Week of The Next Ten Months

Happy Saturday!

I am coming to you sitting in my bed after deciding to take a break 62 pages into the 123 pages I need to read before Wednesday; don’t fret, for I am a quick reader and very excited about starting school.

I decided now, on this most overcast of Sabadell days, to let you all know how my first “week” of classes went.

“Week” deserves those quotation marks because I had two classes on Wednesday and nothing more. Grad school!

Normally, our schedule runs Monday through Wednesday, but we started on the last day of the class week for some reason. Next week, I’ll be able to give you a much better and thorough understanding of a normal school week of mine, I’m sure.

But! I was so stoked — as previously mentioned — about finally being back in school that I simply had to let you know how it went.

Our first class, from 11:30 – 2:00, was Introduction to Research, which I am completely nerdily psyched for. It’s basically a class about writing research papers, specifically our theses which we’ll write next semester. As you know I, obviously, adore writing and can’t wait to get back into doing it in an academic setting, as it’s easily my favorite expression of accumulated knowledge.

Also, in a totally wild it’s-a-small-world-after-all moment, my professor actually attended the Mississippi University for Women for her undergraduate education. So bizarre!

Our first general and vague assignment is to begin thinking about and checking out previous literature about a topic we would like to research for our theses. I don’t really want to get too into the nitty gritty about what my interests are, but I’m looking to write something about what occurs at the intersection of immigration and far right nationalism, something about intrastate conflict brought about by the clash of cultures that has become more prevalent as the world and countries become more multicultural.

A quick hour lunch break before Democracy and Citizenship, which runs 3:00 – 5:30.

The quintessential political science class in Europe and the United States, this class is all about the history and implementation of, reactions to, and interactions with challenges experienced by democracy. This is the class for which I have 123 pages of reading to accomplish by Wednesday. We have so much reading that our kind professor has given us Monday off to serve as a reading day.

Thursday I spent as a reading and relaxing day after such a horribly strenuous schedule!

Friday, I went into Barcelona to have a beach and tapas day with some of my colleagues. I finally had a nice little authentic Barcelona lunch of patatas bravas, pimientos de padrón, pan con tomate, and paella de mariscos.

Photo credits to Jan, one of said colleagues ☺

Your pale pal even caught a few rays of sun (with sunscreen of course, don’t worry).

Monday will see us back in class for Intro to Research before our five hour Public Policy Analysis and Management class on Tuesday. I will surely update you all about how that goes.



I am obsessed with museums.

Literally any chance to go to a museum that I get, I gotta take it!

I went to Barcelona over the weekend with the goal of going thrift shopping. Honestly, I hadn’t expected it to be so hot here and I was in desperate need of some more shorts and some T shirts.

Anyway, on my way there, I realized that — now that I have my UAB student ID — I could probably cop a student discount at the MNAC, the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (which I actually wrote about in a previous blog post).

The MNAC is one of my favorite museums I’ve ever been to. It’s really helpful to be located in the most gorgeous Palau Nacional on Montjuïc with a stunning view of the city out the front entrance of the museum.

I am so weak for oil paintings, you guys. I imagine that’s pretty obvious at this point with my attempts to do my own paintings, but I really can’t handle the impasto and texture that oil gives, as well as the vibrancy of the colors.

Details from Nen pompeià, Arcadi Mas Fontdevila, 1879

But I first took a jaunt through the medieval art section, where I sat and did some sketches of the radical ass wall paintings the old Catalan Christians created in their sites of worship (also included is a sketch of a female nude painted by Ramon Casas).

Forgive me a little for the perhaps not-so-flawless execution of these sketches. They were just studies of interesting characters I encountered and were done in very dark dim cave-like museum displays. Whatever, why am I making excuses for art I had fun drawing? We gotta stop apologizing, people!

Anyway, I enjoyed my stroll through the halls of the Romanesque and Modern Art halls very much. Cool thing that MNAC does: One ticket is good for two days within a month! So I decided to not do the whole museum in order to have a reason to head back down there and enjoy it all again.

A few more photos from my trip:

After such a pleasant morning and early afternoon consuming the fine art that the MNAC has to offer, I set about the actual purpose of my journey: Thrifting.

I stopped by Flamingos Vintage Kilo to grab some goodies, including the whackiest find of a 1987 Twins Wold Series Champs sweatshirt. If you didn’t know, the Twins secured their spot in the post season last week and will be facing the Yankees this Friday.

I’ve decided that this must be a sign of what’s to come. Fingers crossed, friends.

As far as life updates go, I had enrollment this past Friday. Pretty exciting stuff as we got to hear a little bit about the classes that are coming up for the year as well as the schedule.

Classes start on Wednesday! And by that I mean that I have two classes on Wednesday and nothing else, so that’s great (just kidding, I really want to get into the classroom and get to learning already!!)