Notes from November

What a whirlwind of a month!

This month has far and away been the heaviest, workload-wise. But, as we near December, life has calmed down again.

Life is Sabadell is amazing; they’ve hung up holiday lights around the city and I had been eagerly awaiting the day that they decide to actually light them, which turned out to be last night (check out below for a photo!)! The weather has also been out of this world. We’ve been in the 60s the past couple of days.

I went and saw both Joker and Frozen 2, first in Spanish here in Sabadell and then in English in Barcelona (both of which I enjoyed more in English which I think is due more to the fact that I prefer to watch things in their original language, no matter what it is). I liked Joker more than I expected and Frozen 2 less, which surprised me a lot! Following up on the original Frozen was going to be tough no matter what Disney did and I just wasn’t convinced by the story or pacing or character development. It was, of course, very beautiful though (but that’s to be expected). I would still highly recommend seeing it, as it does contain quite a few bops.

I’ve been eating some really good food lately as well in preparation for my parents’ visit in January. I have to have some great places to take them!

(I saw a pulled pork on a menu so I of course had to order it, in honor of Skyler)

Preparation for my thesis has been going well, with the majority of the work being reading, reading, and more reading. My dad likes to tease me for studying all the time, but I just keep telling him that that’s what grad school is!! I’ll most likely begin actual work on the thesis itself after the holidays.

Speaking of holidays, it was sad to not be home for Thanksgiving. But, luckily, one of my American classmates invited me to celebrate a late Thanksgiving on Friday night and it was quite a joyous event. Chicken instead of turkey (a win, in my opinion), stuffing, Brussel sprouts, the whole nine yards! It did wonders in making me feel a little less homesick during this holiday season.

I also sent out a stack of postcards in the last two weeks, so keep your eyes on your mailboxes folks — even though it takes for-freaking-ever for things to travel across the Atlantic.

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