The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

So, here we are!

It’s December which means the shop is bustling every day with holiday shoppers (except yesterday, of course, when the rain was basically coming down sideways from the heavy wind). And I’ve gotten the chance to show off my (faux-) brush lettering skills with the faux-presents we have decorating the store.

(Oh, look, the stamps from the last blog post! Everything ties together!)

Also headline news: Skyler Knapp is in Seattle!! I picked him up from the airport on Saturday night and thank goodness he’s here.

Of course, it’s amazing to have him around for personal reasons, but it’s also nice to have another warm body to help out at the shop because poor me and mom. We are absolutely wiped out after the past couple of months!

The other day, Sky and I made it out to downtown Seattle to check out the Black Owl Market. We got some Christmas presents/stocking stuffers (that I would love to talk about in further detail, but my family reads my blog so maybe after Christmas, friend!). Black Owl Market has all kinds of strange and fun oddities, like resin cast animal skulls, crystal or hand forged metal jewelry, temporary tattoos, cryptid-themed ornaments, I mean the list goes on and on. I am a sucker for things like that and picked up a bunch of stuff that I think my family will all love. I also got this amazing Yule wrapping paper from TheCreepingMoon or Megan Wyreweden that I can’t wait to see under our Christmas tree!!

And the last little bit of holiday news is I’m going back to Minnesota on Christmas! Yeah, you heard that right folks, I am the state of Minnesota’s Christmas present. Skyler is too. He’ll be returning then too.

We’ll be in Minnesota from December 25th – January 19th, the best time of the year for Minnesotan weather!

It’ll be fun to be back for a short time.

I’ll (hopefully!) be posting an update about my zine that I’m working on right now soon. I’d love to share what the process has been like (plus, I may be learning how to stitch them together myself, and y’all know how much I love talking about new things I’ve learned how to do!).

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